Pharma Deel: A Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions: How to Increase: Sales | الكيفية: زيادة | مبيعات

Thursday, January 13, 2022

How to Increase: Sales | الكيفية: زيادة | مبيعات


McDonald's once tried to increase the sales of its "milkshakes" and did their job as paper does say, conducted interviews with customers asking them what would encourage them to buy more. Do they increase chocolate, make a product with less sugar, make it more light, make it more heavy, make it healthy? The important thing is that all the information they collected did not succeed in increasing sales.

They asked Harvard Business School to help them, and this is where a new marketing theory emerged. Harvard was at the time developing a theory called Jobs to be Done, this theory was looking for the product to perform a specific function for the customer, and this job could be completely different from your vision of developing the product. And if you can understand this job, it will make a difference with you in every need.

The important thing is that Harvard did a first study on buying times, and they discovered that a large sample of milkshake sales are in the very early morning. And they asked the customers, “Why do you buy milkshakes right now?” The customers said that the work journey is long and boring, and they need something to entertain them on the road and satisfy them until they break their fast, and it is easy for them to catch it while they are driving.

The second question was, if you don't buy a milkshake, what can you buy? The answers ranged from sandwiches (but difficult and the one was driving) or donuts (and it could ruin the world and deliver the work with chocolate spots), for example, or Snickers chocolate (but you get rid of quickly) or coffee for example (but you can pour).  McDonald's understood how they can increase sales. How can make it so big that it takes the whole line with you, how can make the order and pay faster so that you don't get stuck, and how can increase a few pieces of fruit in it so that they change the daily driving routine while you chew them.

In fact, sales have increased a lot, and  may also understand why a cup of coffee on the road is so big because its goal is to entertain you on the road, not just a delicious cup. This was the "Jobs to be Done" theory of its owner Clayton Christensen, one of the most famous economists throughout history, and the author of the theory of Disruption Technology, which qualified him for the title of the most influential economist in the world.



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